So often our prayers are centered around asking God to accomplish our will. We may tack a “Thy will be done” on to our prayer but is that what we really want? As we continue to study the Lord's Prayer, Pastor Ricky reminds us that this prayer should reflect a state of our heart. When we hallow God's name, we put Him in a place above all else. That means His will begins to take precedence to ours, even if it means temporary hardship or discomfort it, becomes our foremost desire.
Thy Kingdom Come - Hallowed Be Your Name, Part 1
When we recite the Lord's Prayer is easy just to ramble off the words with little thought of what we're saying. Certain phrases may stand out but ‘Hallowed be your name’ isn't usually one of them. As Pastor Ricky explains, this phrase is much more meaningful than it's usually given credit for. It represents setting God above all else that battles for our heart’s affection. Today's message will continue to reveal the heart of what Jesus intended when He taught His disciples this way of praying.
Thy Kingdom Come - Who Art in Heaven, Part 2
There are many misconceptions and false doctrines regarding prayer. The Prosperity Gospel teaches that if we have enough faith and ask God for material wealth and blessings, we're guaranteed to receive them. Then there are those that believe that prayer has little, to no effect, in this world and things will just happen as they're supposed to happen. As Pastor Ricky continues his in-depth study of the Lord's Prayer we can gather a lot of insight into God's intentions for the gift of prayer.
Thy Kingdom Come - Who Art in Heaven, Part 1
Does prayer really work? It’s a question many Christians don't want to ask. At its core, we want to say that we believe it does but our lives often paint a different picture. Most of us spend very little time in prayer and is often only as a last resort. There are many different reasons but as Pastor Ricky suggests in today's message, our limited use of prayer most likely reflects a lack of faith in its effectiveness. If we really believe that prayer could influence outcomes, we would probably make it a much higher priority.
Thy Kingdom Come - Our Father, Part 2
Every loving parent knows that feeling of having their child come to them scared or in need. All we want to do is help them feel safe and provided for. Most of us would quickly drop whatever we're doing and take the time to comfort them and address their needs. As Pastor Ricky explains in today's message, our parental love reflects the way God views His children. He loves us with a deep sacrificial love and when we pray He delights in listening to the cries of our heart.
Thy Kingdom Come - Our Father, Part 1
The gods that men create and imagine typically have power and authority in a form that men wish they possessed. These fake Gods often sit on a pedestal above their worshippers. They rarely, if ever, come down to the level of their subjects. Yet as Pastor Ricky points out, the God of Israel loves to be amongst His subjects. He loves us so much that He endured the agonizing pain of the Cross equating Himself with the lowest level of humanity. This type of love simply doesn't exist in the gods of man.
Thy Kingdom Come - When You Pray, Part 2
We were designed to have an intimate connection with God. Adam and Eve walked with Him in the Garden and talked to Him every day. The consequence of their sin was a break in that relationship. All of mankind displays an innate longing to return to that intimacy. As Pastor Ricky explains in today’s message, it’s exhibited in various forms but our quest to understand our world and the universe around us can always be traced back to that intimacy that was lost in the Garden.
Thy Kingdom Come- When You Pray, Part 1
One word that aptly describes our culture today would be “distracted”. How many of us have spent more time watching shows or browsing social network feeds than we did reading the Bible and praying this week? As Pastor Ricky warns in today’s message, these distractions, while not bad in and of themselves, are designed to be addicting. If our time with God is taking second place to the diversions of life, the intimacy He desires to have with us is guaranteed to suffer.
Redemption - God and Stuff, Part 3
Today you can have life to the fullest. Pastor Ricky teaches that Jesus was the perfect one that went to the cross for us. He did not envy. He did not take anything that didn't belong to Him. Jesus was generous. He died a painful death on the cross so that we would not have to. Therefore, when you're tempted to think you need something else just remember that God provided everything you need through His son Jesus. Won't you accept His gift of salvation today?
Redemption - God and Stuff, Part 2
Adam and Eve were drawn to what looked good. Pastor Ricky will remind us that Satan was crafty enough to pull them away with the things that delighted their eyes. God had provided everything that Adam and Eve needed in the garden, just like He provides everything we need. However, when we start to crave something other than what God has given us, that’s when we end up losing it all. God knows what you need and when you need it. He's the only thing that will truly fulfill. Turn to Him.
Redemption - God and Stuff, Part 1
What do you crave? Today Pastor Ricky will teach us that the things we crave are the things we worship. Exodus 20:17 says, ‘thou shalt not covet’ and today we learn this basically means do not crave things that don't belong to you. Our God is a good God. He gives good things to His children. When we take things or covet things that He has not given us, then we're actually saying we know better than God. If God wants you to have something He will open a door and provide a way. Trust in Him.
Redemption - God and Speech, Part 3
Do your words condemn you? That's what Pastor Ricky will ask us today. What if you had to take everything you said recently, in every form, whether face-to-face, phone, text or email and run it through the filter of God Himself. How would you do? Does that frighten you? When you speak, do you try and be biblical or do you say whatever you feel like saying? Today’s message is a great reminder of the importance of our words. Remember, as a Christian, you are representing Christ.
Redemption - God and Speech, Part 2
Are you careful with your words? Pastor Ricky will remind us today that our words can be a blessing or they can be a curse. Do you remember a time that someone betrayed you with words? Or said something that hurts so much that it still sticks with you today? He reminds us that our words can cause big fires in our lives. We need to be careful and wise with what we say. All people are created in the image of God and should be treated as such. Let's build them up, not tear them down.
Redemption - God and Speech, Part 1
Today with Pastor Ricky we learn that we say on average 16,000 words per day. Do you pay attention to those words? Most people are careless and will say whatever they feel like saying. However, the Bible has very clear guidelines for the things that come out of our mouths. It says that we should only say what’s useful for building others up. Think about it. When was the last time you built someone up? Let’s start today. There is power in your words and they can make a difference.
Redemption - God and His Design for Marriage, Part 2
Jesus paid the price. Today as Pastor Ricky teaches about marriage and the Ten Commandments we are reminded of the depth of what Jesus did for us. Jesus says over and over again that He loves us. He also proved His love by going to the cross for us. He knows about all the things that we've done, all the things that we put before Him. Yet He says, come home to me. The price has been paid. It is finished. Jesus is waiting for you today. Will you run to Him?
Redemption - God and His Design for Marriage, Part 1
The Bible teaches that Adam did not have a helper that was fit for him. Therefore God created Eve. Today Pastor Ricky will continue to teach on the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:14 says you shall not commit adultery. We learned that God designed marriage for our good and does not want anyone to pull it apart. Marriage may be familiar to us but the Bible says it should be extraordinary. Marriage should and can be better than we can imagine.
Redemption - God and the Dignity of Life, Part 2
Anger is an emotion given to us by God however there is good and bad anger. Today Pastor Ricky will teach us that God wants us to live at peace with everyone. God will be the one to judge those who sinned against us. We will hear that there is a way to get rid of bad anger, it can be washed away. You can be free from the emotion of anger by leaning on and trusting in the power of God to help you. Look to Jesus, He is the answer. With God, all things are possible.
Redemption - God and the Dignity of Life, Part 1 - Exodus 20
Genesis 1:26 tells us that we are created in the image of God. Nothing else is created in His image except us. Pastor Ricky reminds us that this is why Exodus 20:13 is so important. We are created in the image of God and therefore every human life is absolutely precious. God says that He has a plan and a purpose for every single one of His children. That plan is to bring Him glory and to reach others for His kingdom. God loves all of His children and every life has value to Him.
Redemption - God & Parents, Part 3 - Exodus 20
The decline of the American family is a topic that has been well documented. Many of us then may have experienced some level of dysfunction within our families growing up. Maybe we didn't have the greatest role model when it came to parenting and now we struggle to know how to raise our own children. In today's message, we get some good news. As believers, we have a heavenly Father that serves as the ultimate role model when it comes to parenting. Everything we need to know we can learn from Him.
Redemption - God & Parents, Part 2 - Exodus 20
Kids see everything their parents do. Even when you're speaking about something that seems over their heads, they understand the negative tone or condescension towards others. As parents we want our children to respect us. The way we act towards those in authority will have a huge impact on the way our children do. In today's message, we’ll see how our actions are shaping the character of our children. Even when we don't agree with the choice made by our boss, or the policies of the president, our attitude matters.