Giving up everything probably sounds horrible to most of us. If we're honest with ourselves, we love our stuff and because we love stuff, we live lives that are preoccupied with getting more of it. Yet, even when we get that new car, or TV, or whatever that thing may be, we find ourselves longing for more. As Pastor Ricky examines the example of Paul, we’re reminded that there is only one way to find true and lasting joy and contentment. That is when we let go of everything until the only thing left is Christ.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 2
Wow, those are some powerful words. Something deep down resonates when we hear that Christ is worth more than all of those things that are so valuable to us in this life. At the same time, our desire to serve self makes us question that statement. As Pastor Ricky challenges us in today’s message, when we start living in a way that acknowledges the insignificance of our most prized possessions, relationships, or goals, it will result in a radical change of focus from serving self to all-out service to our Savior.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 1
Because of sin, mankind has inherited death and as a by-product, the fear of death. Entire industries have sprouted out from this common anxiety. We try so hard to find ways to prevent or at least delay this inevitable part of life but as Pastor Ricky reminds us in today's message, for believers death does not represent the end but the beginning of a glorious eternity with our Savior Jesus Christ. We may not look forward to the process and pain of dying but just as Paul explains in today's message, it's all worth it for the sake of Christ.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Praying For What We Really Need, Part 2
Some issues don't have a simple answer. We may respond by rebuking those who have a different opinion, throwing scripture at them, and expecting them to simply comply. Or, we may err on the side of what we think is love, extending grace and beyond that, affirmation for someone's actions or lifestyle choices. As Pastor Ricky explains in today's message, there may be a need for a mix of both but the only way we can discern the best response is through prayer and diligently seeking God's wisdom.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Praying For What We Really Need, Part 1
Prayer may be one of the most neglected or misused gifts that God has given to the church. We frequently tell others that we’ll pray for them, and we intend to, but then we completely forget, and then it becomes simply a way of expressing sympathy. We also misuse it by praying in a way that fails to acknowledge God's will and only requests that He conforms to ours. Today’s message with Pastor Ricky will lay out a beautiful model for how we can successfully and effectively be people of prayer in the church.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Gospel Affection, Part 2
It's easy to rush to judgment and even allow resentment to build up as we witness the choices and lifestyles of our fellow believers. It may be the smallest of offenses, or it may be something more severe, but we struggle to let go of those conflicts and love those people. As Pastor Ricky remind us in today's message, we're called to live above that. Grudges don't belong in the heart of a believer. We have been given such great grace and we need to let it overflow into our relationships.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Gospel Affection, Part 1
Even the most affectionate relationships have moments where the love just doesn't come naturally. Whether it's a romantic connection, a family bond, or a friendship, disagreements arise and the relationship is strained. As Pastor Ricky reminds us in today's message, our relationships in the church experience the same issues but in Christ, we are to be different. Instead of shutting down or closing ourselves off, we choose to love each other in the grace that Christ has extended to us.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Gospel Partnership, Part 2
For many, the church may have become just another part of the routine or a means of maintaining a social life. It can become very casual and we lose sight of what our real focus should be. As Pastor Ricky reminds us in today's message, the church is a beautiful result of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. We may feel isolated in our culture where so many people spend more time looking at social media than in talking face-to-face, but in the church, we're never alone. We’re united in the amazing love of Christ.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Gospel Partnership, Part 1
The church means many different things to different people. If we're honest, many of us go primarily for what it does for us. The feeling we get, or the connections that it facilitates. Others go out of obligation, attempting to live a righteous life that will make them feel accomplished and maybe help them gain entrance into heaven. As Pastor Ricky explains in today's message, these motivations are flawed, if not entirely wrong. As we examine Paul's life and his approach to church, we’ll learn what it means to partner in the gospel.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Grace & Peace, Part 2
What an amazing and life-changing declaration, “Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the foremost”. This concept is at the very core of what we believe as Christians. We have to acknowledge our inherent sinfulness in order to realize our need for Christ. As Pastor Ricky leads us through today's message, we can take great encouragement and knowing that despite the great debt of sin, in an overwhelming act of grace, Jesus Christ died for us.
The Happiest Book in the Bible - Grace & Peace, Part 1
There are many in our world that have been deceived into thinking that they are inherently good. As we start to dig into the book of Philippians with Pastor Ricky, our eyes will be open to our true state of sinfulness. When we take an honest look at our lives, the outward actions, as well as the inward thoughts and feelings, we’ll start to realize that we're desperately in need of grace. We deserve death but the good news is that grace and redemption are available because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Who Am I? - Spiritual Warfare in Christ, Part 2
Are you using the weapons that have been left for you? Today Pastor Ricky teaches us that Jesus won these spiritual weapons for us. He actually bought them with His blood. He says that Jesus died to equip us for the battle that we would endure. He knew what we would face. He knew what we would need. He was willing to give it all for us. Not only does He invite us to wear His weapons, He also gives us the power to have the victory. Are you tired of losing the battle? Turn to Jesus today.
Who Am I? - Spiritual Warfare in Christ, Part 1
Pastor Ricky reminds us today that we're called to fight in a war. Although we easily get caught up in the daily details of life, much bigger things are going on all around us. He says evil forces are constantly striving after you. Due to sin, we're actually part of this dark kingdom. The good news is you don't have to stay there, it's easy to transfer. The only thing you need to do is believe. Believe that Jesus is God's son and that He died on the cross for you. Choose to follow Jesus today.
Who Am I? - Marriage in Christ, Part 3
When people hear the word submission, it gives them a sour taste in their mouths. This is because of our flesh. We hate the idea of submission. Submission does not mean to agree, it means to obey even when you don't agree. Pastor Ricky will be teaching on the importance of the unique roles in marriage that wives and husbands are to play. When wives submit to their husbands, and husbands love their wives, a beautiful picture of Christ and the Church is reflected.
Who Am I? - Marriage in Christ, Part 2
God instituted marriage as a picture of the union between Christ and the Church. Christ demonstrated His love toward us by leaving His throne of divinity in heaven, to come down to this dark world, to die on a cross, to save us from our sins, and to give us gifts by His Spirit. What amazing, unconditional, sacrificial love the Lord has for the Church. This is the kind of love that Paul exhorts us as believers to have toward our spouses. How are you shaping up? Do you love like Jesus loves you?
Who Am I? - Marriage in Christ, Part 1
The Apostle Paul will be contrasting love and lust regarding marriage in this text today. The only way a marriage can survive is when two believers genuinely love the Lord. If you don't have a good vertical relationship with the Lord then all your horizontal relationships with others, including your spouse, will become weakened as well. Lust is extremely selfish and when conceived will grow up to bring destruction in your life. However, love is selfless and found in Jesus' example.
Who Am I? - Holiness in Christ #2, Part 2
As Pastor Ricky continues teaching on the benefits of being in Christ, he will be emphasizing the importance of being filled with the Spirit. Paul exhorts all believers to understand what the will of the Lord is, that it's to be filled continually with the Spirit. When you're filled with the Spirit, you have peace and joy in your life. The benefit of receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit not only gives you peace and joy but he empowers you to live a victorious Christian life. Ask the Father for a fresh filling today.
Who Am I? - Holiness in Christ #2, Part 1
Do you completely understand the benefits that you have in Christ? This is the question that Pastor Ricky will be posing throughout this teaching. Many believers have no problem understanding that they're justified and that they're going to heaven. However, they don't completely understand the fact that sin no longer has dominion over them. One of the greatest benefits in Christ is not just being saved from hell but having the power to be saved from living in sin here on earth.
Who Am I? - Holiness in Christ #1, Part 2
Pastor Ricky will be teaching today on the counterfeit to genuine love words God and towards others. The counterfeit is lust and sexual immorality. Giving in to lust and sexual immorality is a direct result of not understanding your identity in Christ. Paul exhorts all believers to imitate God as dear children. When you understand that God truly loves you and that you are His child, you will be motivated to please Him. Don't allow the sexual relationship to become perverted. Obey God’s ways.
Who Am I? - Holiness in Christ #1, Part 1
The reason that believers are called the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” is because of their holy conduct. Holiness in Christ is what makes you stand out in a dark world as a believer. Pastor Ricky will be teaching a new chapter today that will be primarily talking about our love towards God, and our love towards others. Jesus said if you love me you will obey my commands. When you genuinely love God, you will obey his commands and become holy and set apart unto God.