Against The World For the World - Holiness is a Result of Hope, Part 2

All throughout the Bible, there is an emphasis on having an eternal perspective and living in light of eternity. Some have said that you can be too heavenly-minded to be any earthly good. The Bible teaches however that the more heavenly-minded you are, the more focused you'll be in furthering God's kingdom on earth. Pastor Ricky will be exhorting us today to live our life as though we can come face-to-face with God at any moment. Go into eternity without having any regrets.

Against The World For the World - Holiness is a Result of Hope, Part 1

The Apostle Peter in our text is repeatedly encouraging the church to understand and act upon their hope in the Lord. The Bible says that those who have this hope in Jesus, keep themselves pure just as He is pure. As Pastor Ricky continues to teach on the theme of hope in this section of scripture, he will be explaining that the natural reaction to having hope in Jesus is the desire and power to live a holy lifestyle. If you're not living a Godly life, the root issue may be that you doubt who Jesus is.

Against The World For the World - Hope Beyond the World, Part 2

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching through the book of 1st Peter he’ll be reminding us that there's no trial or tribulation that can overshadow the glory of our salvation in Jesus. You can lose your health, your career, you could even be persecuted unto death but this is only a light affliction compared to eternity in heaven. You have an inheritance waiting for you in heaven and the Lord has sealed you until the Day of Redemption so take heart and remain at peace.

Against The World For the World - Hope Beyond the World, Part 1

When you hear the word “hope” what comes to mind? Biblical hope isn't a Jiminy Cricket, Wish Upon a Star type of hope. Biblical hope is a guarantee that what God says will come to pass, will indeed come to pass. Today Pastor Ricky will be expounding on the promises of God and how we can be assured of our salvation because our hope is placed in Jesus Christ. There are many things in this life that you can put your hope in but none of them, besides the Lord, will assuredly remain faithful until the end.

Against The World For the World - Against the World, For the World - Part 2

Today Pastor Ricky will be teaching us the importance of understanding God's unconditional love for us. The Lord wasn't surprised when you got saved because He chose you before the foundations of the world. The Bible says God in His sovereignty and foreknowledge knew you would respond to His invitation to salvation. The word of God says that no one comes to the Son unless the Father draws him. So because of God's love, He reached down from heaven to draw you to Himself. You are loved.

Against The World For the World - Against the World, For the World - Part 1

Have you ever been mistreated and persecuted simply because you're a Christian? Today Pastor Ricky will be explaining that there's absolutely nothing abnormal about being persecuted for your faith in Jesus. The Lord Himself said that if the world hated Him first, the world will hate you as well. No servant is greater than his master. If the world persecuted Him, the world will persecute His followers. If you are discouraged just remember that you have the ultimate hope of salvation and eternity with the Lord.

Vision - Witnesses, Part 2

Have you ever been corrected about something you were doing and instead of being gently redirected the person blasts you for doing it wrong? It turns your heart away from that person because their manner towards you was distasteful. In today's teaching, Pastor Ricky mentions that people can have a similar reaction to you if you tell them about God in a way that's belligerent or offensive but there's a better way to tell about Jesus. Let your message be inviting, not inciting.

Vision - Witnesses, Part 1

Just think of all the things that it takes to qualify for a loan. You need to have good credit and have proof of who you are and where you live, who you’re dependents are, etc… There's paperwork and some red tape that you have to cut through to get qualified. What do you think it takes to qualify for the kind of witness that God wants you to be? Pastor Rickys informs you today that it's simpler than you might think. The typical resume that the world requires is inconsequential as a Christian witness.

Vision - Family, Part 2

The underlying message of so many movies out there is a so-called empowering agenda of rising above the community that you've been a part of. You’re departing from your past to find yourself and own it, regardless of the ones you left. This message is slightly misguided but what should the message be? Today Pastor Ricky expresses the type of heart that's good to have when you're a part of a community or family of believers. It’s essential to embrace, love, and serve your spiritual family.

Vision - Family, Part 1

Just about everyone can relate to some dysfunction in their family, right? There are different personalities that are forced to come together and somehow get along. But then there's inevitably some kind of family drama because there's no way everyone gets along without any conflict. So how does this fit in the context of a church family? Today Pastor Ricky explores the various facets of what it means to have community with other people in a way that proves you're in it together for God's purposes.

Vision - Disciples, Part 2

When you choose to vote for someone you identify with them in some way. You publicly proclaim that you're backing them up, enough to endorse them as someone you want in leadership. But if you don't buy into the message they're expressing, you're not going to sign your name to that person being in a position of authority over you. What about when it comes to God? Today Pastor Rickys asks if you're prepared to follow God in a way that you could support and even imitate His way of living.

Vision - Disciples, Part 1

Being a follower of someone these days is usually associated with following someone on Instagram. What does that even mean? Are you just checking up on pictures that someone is posting but you don't really know them? In other times, being a follower of someone meant a very different thing. In today's passage, Pastor Ricky touches on how being a follower of Jesus entails living, and breathing, and following everything about what Jesus stood for. So who are you choosing to follow today?

Vision - Gospel Renewal, Part 2

Until you look at a specimen under the microscope, you might overlook something that initially seemed insignificant. Once you make a concerted effort to really see the object for what it is, you start to appreciate its intricate details and functions. In the same way, God wants you to truly look at people and see them, see their hurt, their circumstances and not just look past it as if it doesn't exist. Pastor Ricky encourages you today to be effective right where you are, with the people who are right in front of you.

Vision - Gospel Renewal, Part 1

When you have some kind of sickness it can be easier to treat the symptoms but not rid yourself of the disease. It's frustrating because even though you're curing some of the immediate discomforts, you know that there's a deeper issue at the root of it all. This is how it is with the world around you too. There are many grievous hurts and struggles amongst the people that you're around but today Pastor Ricky mentions how important it is to have a heart for people and their deeper need for Jesus. Jesus is the cure.

Vision - Strength in Weakness, Part 2

How many self-help books or programs are out there seeking to have you buy into what they're selling? It's not wrong to want to believe in yourself or to have a more positive view of yourself but what Pastor Ricky gets at today is that the greatest treasure to find is when you come to the end of yourself. This is so countercultural to today's way of thinking but it's actually what makes you stand out in contrast to the world around you. When you're acknowledging God's power in you, you're strong.

Vision - Strength in Weakness, Part 1

Wouldn't it be odd if someone made their platform about something they were weak and incapable in? This would be the opposite of anything that's successful in the world's mindset. What are some of your greatest weaknesses? Would you be willing to brag about those weaknesses to the world at large? As preposterous as this sounds, Pastor Ricky explains today that this was the mindset that Paul had when approaching ministry because he knew his tendency of being proud in his abilities.

Why Religion is Not The Gospel - Missions, Part 2

Being pulled to and fro is part of our battle today as Christians. It's a struggle to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, to die to ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. He literally wants us to follow Him, in ministry, in marriage, in child-raising, in work ethic, and even in the little things. Where He is where so we should be too. This is how the victory is won. We don't allow the things of this world to draw us away from our love of Christ. We will bring people to Jesus by showing our love towards Him.

Why Religion is Not The Gospel - Missions, Part 1

In today's message, Pastor Ricky asks us what we delight ourselves in. You may be listening today and thinking there's nothing you put above God. It's easy though to be fooled.  Do you love your home, car, money, spouse, children,  job, or sports so much that you think of them before God? Check yourself today as you listen so you can be sure not to hug yourself to death. Be encouraged and keep things at the right distance as you keep Jesus closer than anything or anyone else.

Why Religion is Not The Gospel - Relationships, Part 2

In today's message Pastor Ricky teaches about how the Jews and Gentiles were separated in physical distance. They literally worshiped the Lord from different places. The Jews were higher in the building, the Gentiles were to stay down on lower levels, separated by many steps. This was to picture the Jews as closer to God. Pastor Ricky points out that all are lost without Christ. With Christ, we're all in the same family, Jew or Gentile. Like it or not we are. We need to love one another the same.

Why Religion is Not The Gospel - Relationships, Part 1

In today's teaching on religion, Pastor Ricky covers the areas of sin that are easy to fall into. Some people were very sinful in that their sin was public. Other people try to work for their salvation and think that in some way they've earned it and that they may deserve it more than others. That brings pride and it's just as sinful. He points out that we are saved by grace through faith. This is a safeguard for us. It makes it so none of us can boast. Say no to religion, just have a relationship with Jesus.