Jesus, Family, Mission - Great Fear, Greater Comforter, Part 2

Have you ever felt rejected? Of course. Perhaps you've had a bad experience as a child being rejected by a parent or family member. We can go throughout our lives being let down by many different people. There's one person who will never let you down. As a Christian, you have an eternal Father in heaven who loves you with an unconditional and sacrificial love that no earthly parent or person can provide. The Bible says that you are beloved by the Heavenly Father regardless of your past.

Jesus, Family, Mission - Great Fear, Greater Comforter, Part 1

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching series, he'll be exhorting us to wholly commit ourselves over to the lordship of Jesus. When we were told that if we receive Jesus we would be forgiven of our sins, many of us jumped on board without hesitation at that invitation. However, when we were told to rid ourselves of certain things like sexual immorality or having to love unconditionally, we may grow fearful or hesitant. God is faithful, when we take a step of faith to obey Him He’ll bless that path.

Jesus, Family, Mission - The Way, The Truth, The Life, Part 4

Medical research continuously comes out saying heart disease is the leading cause of death among men, cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women, and suicide is the leading cause of death among teenagers. Pastor Ricky will be reminding us that sin is the true leading cause of death among all people. The Bible says that death spread to all men because all men sin. The only hope we have to be cured of death is to be born again into the kingdom of God.

Jesus, Family, Mission - The Way, The Truth, The Life, Part 3

One of the biggest lies that the enemy has told the world is that truth is relative. Today Pastor Ricky will be explaining that Jesus Himself said that He is the only way to get to heaven. This truth of Jesus being the only way of salvation goes against the very fiber of the world’s system that’s teaching that all religions lead to the same God. This is a deceptive heresy that has unfortunately even crept into some churches. Don’t be deceived, there are indeed universal truths and relativism is a lie.

Jesus, Family, Mission - The Way, The Truth, The Life, Part 2

There is an extremely dangerous heresy that many of the world believe in and that some of the church even believe in. That false teaching is the belief that all roads lead to the same God. Today Pastor Ricky will be explaining how Jesus Himself said that there is no way to the Father except through Him. Regardless of popular opinion or what your feelings tell you, Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

Jesus, Family, Mission - The Way, The Truth, The Life, Part 1

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching series through the Gospel of John, he'll be encouraging us to have faith in God's perfect plan even when we are in the midst of a storm. The disciples believe that Jesus was the Messiah. They saw many miracles and knew He was sent by God but they still had doubts. The disciples weren't told every detail of the plan of God. They had to exercise faith. Just like the disciples, we too need to exercise our faith and trust in His character and plans.

Jesus, Family, Mission - Love, Failure, and the Imperfect Family of God, Part 2

When most unbelievers are asked about what they think about church, a common response is that they believe the church is full of hypocrites. The truth of the matter is that there are many imperfections within the church. One thing we all need to remember is that the church is for those who are sick and in need of help. It's not for those that are well. Jesus said that He was the Great Physician, that He came for those that knew they were sick and in need of a savior.

Jesus, Family, Mission - Love, Failure, and the Imperfect Family of God, Part 1

We've been commissioned to go out into all the world, preaching the gospel and to make disciples. The question is, are you obeying this great commission of Jesus? Today Pastor Ricky will be continuing to emphasize the importance of making Jesus preeminent over our lives as well as being a functioning member of the body of Christ and obeying the mission God has for us. We’re all commissioned to preach the gospel and make disciples but we also have individual callings as well.

Jesus, Family, Mission - Consumers to Servants, Part 2

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching series through the Gospel of John, he'll be reminding us that not only should we be servants, but we should be servants even to those that don't deserve it. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples even though He knew one would betray Him and another would deny Him three times. We aren't called to simply serve and love those that are lovable but to bless those that curse us and persecute us. We should bless and pray for those that despitefully use us.

Jesus, Family, Mission - Consumers to Servants, Part 1

In ancient times, for someone to take off their garments and begin to wash the feet of others, it meant they were lowly and of extremely low position in culture. Today Pastor Ricky will be encouraging us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to allow ourselves to take the humble position of a servant. The Bible says that a servant isn’t greater than his master. If Jesus being God in the flesh, humbled Himself and served others, how much more should we.

Jesus, Family, Mission - Jesus' Missionary Family, Part 2

The language of scripture often calls the church the household of God. In that time period, a household was made up of not only the immediate family but extended family members as well that would add to the home. Today Pastor Ricky will be encouraging us to have fellowship with other believers and to remember that Jesus made the church to be a family, a warm loving household. The Apostle Paul also exhorts us not to forsake the fellowship of the brethren. 

Jesus, Family, Mission - Jesus' Missionary Family, Part 1

Today, Pastor Ricky will be explaining the importance of Jesus being the center of our family and how we should be obeying God's call for our family, to be a light to the world. Jesus is not just a superhuman guy with supernatural abilities. He is God, in the flesh, who created the heavens and the earth. When we truly believe that Jesus is more than a good teacher and more than a prophet and that He is God in the flesh, our lives reflect that belief. Our families will look different than the families of the world.

Redemption - God and Stuff, Part 3

Today you can have life to the fullest. Pastor Ricky teaches that Jesus was the perfect one that went to the cross for us. He did not envy. He did not take anything that didn't belong to Him. Jesus was generous. He died a painful death on the cross so that we would not have to. Therefore, when you're tempted to think you need something else just remember that God provided everything you need through His son Jesus. Won't you accept His gift of salvation today?

Redemption - God and Stuff, Part 2

Adam and Eve were drawn to what looked good. Pastor Ricky will remind us that Satan was crafty enough to pull them away with the things that delighted their eyes. God had provided everything that Adam and Eve needed in the garden, just like He provides everything we need. However, when we start to crave something other than what God has given us, that’s when we end up losing it all. God knows what you need and when you need it. He's the only thing that will truly fulfill. Turn to Him.

Redemption - God and Stuff, Part 1

What do you crave? Today Pastor Ricky will teach us that the things we crave are the things we worship. Exodus 20:17 says, ‘thou shalt not covet’ and today we learn this basically means do not crave things that don't belong to you. Our God is a good God. He gives good things to His children. When we take things or covet things that He has not given us, then we're actually saying we know better than God. If God wants you to have something He will open a door and provide a way. Trust in Him. 

Redemption - God and Speech, Part 3

Do your words condemn you? That's what Pastor Ricky will ask us today. What if you had to take everything you said recently, in every form, whether face-to-face, phone, text or email and run it through the filter of God Himself. How would you do? Does that frighten you? When you speak, do you try and be biblical or do you say whatever you feel like saying? Today’s message is a great reminder of the importance of our words. Remember, as a Christian, you are representing Christ.

Redemption - God and Speech, Part 2

Are you careful with your words? Pastor Ricky will remind us today that our words can be a blessing or they can be a curse. Do you remember a time that someone betrayed you with words? Or said something that hurts so much that it still sticks with you today? He reminds us that our words can cause big fires in our lives. We need to be careful and wise with what we say. All people are created in the image of God and should be treated as such. Let's build them up, not tear them down.

Redemption - God and Speech, Part 1

Today with Pastor Ricky we learn that we say on average 16,000 words per day. Do you pay attention to those words? Most people are careless and will say whatever they feel like saying. However, the Bible has very clear guidelines for the things that come out of our mouths. It says that we should only say what’s useful for building others up. Think about it. When was the last time you built someone up? Let’s start today. There is power in your words and they can make a difference. 

Redemption - God and His Design for Marriage, Part 2

Jesus paid the price. Today as Pastor Ricky teaches about marriage and the Ten Commandments we are reminded of the depth of what Jesus did for us. Jesus says over and over again that He loves us. He also proved His love by going to the cross for us. He knows about all the things that we've done, all the things that we put before Him. Yet He says, come home to me. The price has been paid. It is finished. Jesus is waiting for you today. Will you run to Him?

Redemption - God and His Design for Marriage, Part 1

The Bible teaches that Adam did not have a helper that was fit for him. Therefore God created Eve. Today Pastor Ricky will continue to teach on the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:14 says you shall not commit adultery. We learned that God designed marriage for our good and does not want anyone to pull it apart. Marriage may be familiar to us but the Bible says it should be extraordinary. Marriage should and can be better than we can imagine.