Disciple - Disciples Scatter, Part 1

Many in the American church primarily focus on the aspect of becoming a disciple individually and don't move forward and make disciples of others. It's easier to just focus on your own discipleship and it's easier to stay in your comfort zone and not reach out to others. But Christ calls you to be bold and to make disciples. This was not a suggestion this is a command and the early church took it very seriously. It's time that the church today takes Christ's command to make disciples just as seriously as the early church did in the book of Acts.

Disciple - Disciples Gather, Part 2

God desires that His children gather together and corporately worship and seek Him. He promises a special and unique experience of His spirit. All believers have different spiritual gifts and the Lord desires that you would gather together as the body of Christ and be used to benefit others. When you come to church, do you expect to experience a move of the spirit of God? Or do you just show up and go through the motions? Purpose to expect a move of God at church and look for ways to serve others.

Disciple - Disciples Gather, Part 1

The foundations to a healthy Christian Life are reading the Word of God, prayer, sharing your faith, and fellowshipping in the church. Today Pastor Ricky will be focusing on the importance of fellowshipping with other believers. The Bible says, do not forsake the fellowship of the brethren and sadly there are many today that don't think it's important to go to church. The truth of the matter is that you do have the Holy Spirit in you but He promises a special experience when you gather with other believers.

Disciple - Disciples Believe, Part 2

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching on the importance of Christians to grow in faith, he will be showing how it's not enough to just have faith but that the power is in the object of your faith. Having faith does nothing for you. Your faith must be placed in the person of Jesus Christ. As you go through trials and tribulations the only thing that will sustain you is how well you know and trust Jesus. If you lack faith it's because you're not spending intimate and quality time with the Lord.

Disciple - Disciples Believe, Part 1

To truly be a disciple of Jesus Christ, you must be able to place your whole trust and faith in Him, no matter what. The book of Hebrews says that without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. During your journey as a disciple of Christ, you will be put through circumstances and trials that will test and try you so you can grow in your faith. Place your faith in the person of Jesus Christ.

Disciple - Disciples Tell, Part 2

When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and He lives inside of you, He does a transforming work from the inside out. As your life radically changes and you fall deeper in love with Christ you can't help but talk about Him with others. The Holy Spirit within you desires for you to preach the gospel to a dark and dying world. Pastor Ricky will be sharing with you the basic functions of the gospel to help you easily share with others. Don't fear man for what can man do to you? Trust in the Lord.

Disciple - Disciples Tell, Part 1

In this text, the Lord casts out a legion of demons from a man who lives in a graveyard. Demons are very real but you should never fear them because greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world. Just as Jesus had the power to cast out these demons, He has power to transform your life and to transform the lives of those you minister to. As you preach the gospel to unbelievers, His power proceeds out from you and does the work.

Disciple - Disciples Are Unstoppable, Part 2

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching on the Parable of the Sower, he will be emphasizing the importance for believers to scatter seeds and patiently wait for the harvest. You're just commanded to preach the gospel. You aren't responsible for the harvest, that's the Lord's job. Don't try and examine the heart of unbelievers just do your duty to preach the gospel. Don't underestimate the power of God's Word when you speak it into someone’s life. The Word of God will never return void.

Disciple - Disciples Are Unstoppable, Part 1

Today Pastor Ricky will be teaching on the Parable of the Sower and exhorting us as believers to scatter seed by preaching the gospel. The Lord commands His followers to go out into all the world preaching the gospel and making disciples. Are you fulfilling this great commission? You're called to scatter the seeds of the gospel and it's up to the Lord to cause the seeds to grow. As you’re faithful to do your part of the work, the Lord is faithful to do His part.

Disciple - Disciples Eat With Sinners, Part 2

Jesus was known for eating with sinners and tax collectors and the religious people despised that Jesus did this. Christ said He came to heal the sick and to call sinners to repentance, not the righteous. Jesus basically told the hypocritical Pharisees and religious leaders that they couldn’t be saved until they realized they were sick with sin and needed a savior. And you can't be saved by doing good works. It is only by God's grace. Don't look down on the ungodly.  Love them and administer to them. 

Disciple - Disciples Eat With Sinners, Part 1

As Jesus was passing through the multitudes of people He stopped and saw Matthew the tax collector and called him and told him to follow Him. Now Matthew was considered to be a traitor to his own people at one of the most corrupt jobs a Jew could have. Yet Jesus stopped and saw him and called him. Jesus saw you and called you as well. He looked past your sin and showed you love and poured out His grace. Do you see the unbelievers around you in this way? Stop and reach out to them.

Disciple - Disciples Make Disciples, Part 2

The Bible says to imitate God as dear children. So how do we do this? Well, Jesus is God incarnate and we're told to follow Him and be conformed to His image. The practical way you can accomplish this is by spending time with Him, in His Word, and in prayer. As you abide in Christ, you will begin to look more and more like Him and you will draw unbelievers to Him. If you're a genuine follower of Jesus, you will lose your own identity and your identity will be found only in Him.

Disciple - Disciples Make Disciples, Part 1

In our American church culture, we're so busy doing so many different activities and programs, that are we really focused on what being a Christian is all about? The Lord commissioned all believers to follow Him as disciples and to preach the gospel throughout the world and make disciples. The whole reason you're left here on this earth is to further the kingdom of God by making disciples. Are you fulfilling the mission Christ has given you to complete?

Th Gospel and the Home - Fathers, Part 1

The grace of God is the power that enables us to live godly lives. Pastor Ricky is giving a charge to the father figures in the church to come alongside the young men and to teach them to live Godly lives. The key that enables you to first, be godly and second, to have the ability to disciple another person, is the grace of God. God's grace didn't just save you from your sin but also gives you the ability to receive and apply God's promises to your life. 

Th Gospel and the Home - Our Stuff, Part 2

As Pastor Ricky continues his teaching on being a good steward of the resources God entrusts to us, he will be focusing on giving and tithing. The New Testament church is told to give out of a cheerful heart. Not out of compulsion but to give what he or she has determined in their own heart to give. Are you laying up for yourself treasure here on earth, or in heaven? The whole purpose of having resources is to meet your needs and to be used by God to meet the needs of others. 

Th Gospel and the Home - Our Stuff, Part 1

In today's message, Pastor Ricky will be showing through Old and New Testament scripture how we’re not owners of anything that we have. We really are just stewards. God is the creator of all things and every good thing that you have comes from Him. The Lord entrusts His children with the responsibility to use the resources He's blessed them with to further His kingdom. Do you believe you were an owner of your resources or a steward? You will be held accountable for how you use His resources.

Th Gospel and the Home - Men, Part 2

Men, you're not your paycheck, you're not the car you drive, you're not doomed to repeat the same mistakes your father did. Your identity is now in Jesus. You must purpose to be rooted in that identity in Christ. Jesus should be who you model yourself after, not what the world says man should be. You’re called to live a godly life in Christ and to imitate Him as a dear child. Allow the Lord to train you, not your past experiences or what the world says you should be.

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Th Gospel and the Home - Men, Part 1

Today Pastor Ricky will be exhorting the men in the church to live up to the call on their lives. The Lord calls them to be godly leaders that guide their families in the way of holiness. If you are a man that is discouraged and feels as though this calling is too great for you, purpose to lean on the grace of God. God's grace forgives your past and gives you hope for the future. By God's grace, you can become the man God wants you to be. Get up and receive God's promises and walk in victory.

The Gospel and the Home - Women, Part 2

Pastor Ricky will be encouraging women today to live up to the amazing call that God has placed on their lives and encouraging men to love their wives as Christ loved the church. When men love their wives and give them encouragement, it's easy for women to respect them and when women respect their husbands, it's easy for men to love and show affection. Purpose to be a builder and encourager. Don't be someone who tears down and constantly criticizes.

Th Gospel and the Home - Women, Part 1

In this letter to the church, the Apostle Paul is encouraging the believers to live out what they learn from God's Word in the home. When you come to church and receive a word from God it's to be lived out in your household and taught to your family. Don't allow yourself to sit in service and think, “Oh, what a great sermon” and then neglect the application to your everyday life. When you obey God's Word, it brings a blessing upon your home and family. Purpose to be a Godly example to those in your household.