Jesus Movement - Moving on Mission, Part 2

Maybe you're one of those people who love the rush of a high-risk adventure. Skydiving and bungee jumping are both things that get your blood pumping. Then, there are those of us who worry about whether our shirt matches our shoes and what other people will think. It could be risky to be out of style. Today Pastor Ricky encourages you to take the risks that seem wise in furthering the gospel, no more and no less.

Jesus Movement - Moving on Mission, Part 1

Pastor Ricky shares that he recently joined the worship team and part of joining the team was learning how to play the melody for each song the worship team was leading. Then as he grew as a musician, he started experimenting with playing creatively. This works great for a musician who's capable but for those just starting out, it can quickly derail. Pastor Ricky shares with us today that we are receiving pressure from all sides to depart from the melody of the Gospel and to play a different song. We need to stick with the Gospel.

Jesus Movement - Jesus Movement, Part 2

It feels virtually impossible to see unity in this divisive and broken world we live in but unity is possible. So how can you play a part in bringing unity? Today Pastor Ricky encourages you to begin looking past the categories and the stereotypes you might have grown up with. Step away from extreme opinions that have no basis in the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Make the Gospel the most important thing in your life.

Jesus Movement - Jesus Movement, Part 1

Sometimes following the Holy Spirit's leading is as simple as crossing the street. We can get into the wrong mindset thinking that ministry is only done by paid professionals, pastors and staff members of our local church. Well, today Pastor Ricky reminds each one of us you, yes you, are called to the ministry. Now it might not look the same as your pastor's ministry but you are called nonetheless. So as you listen today, ask the Lord to speak to you about how He wants to use you right where you are. 

Jesus Movement - Fighting the Right Enemy, Part 2

Bookstore shelves are lined with books about spiritual warfare. Conference centers are packed full of people who want to learn how to defeat Satan and his minions. But could it be as simple as Pastor Ricky has said? Could it be that all we really need to do is declare the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ? Today Pastor Ricky says yes, it's that simple. If you want to win spiritual warfare and actually see victory, then just start sharing the gospel with those around you. Jesus will set them free.

Jesus Movement - Fighting the Right Enemy, Part 1

Hate is a really strong word but we say things like, “I hate mayonnaise on my sandwich” or “I hate it when my team gets beat,” but is that really what hate means? Today Pastor Ricky reveals the dark and sinister nature of real hatred. Real hatred is the utter destruction intended by Satan himself. Satan hates God hates and hates God's people, that means that he'll do anything and everything to draw you away from Jesus. Be on your guard.

Jesus Movement - Theology of a Storm, Part 2

When you're smack dab in the middle of a storm of life, it feels impossible to see past the waves and the wind that is howling right before your eyes. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that God is actually with you, right there in the midst of the storm. Pastor Ricky shares today that this is vitally important to remember as you walk through this life. God is with you and if God is with you, you need not be afraid.

Jesus Movement - Theology of a Storm, Part 1

Fear reveals what we truly believe about God. You see if you're afraid of something, you're actually believing that that thing is greater than God. That it has power greater than God. Now that might seem a bit harsh but if you take time to unpack your fears, you'll find that it's true. Today Pastor Ricky shares with us a theology of the storms of life. You’ll learn how to navigate the turbulent waters with Jesus at the helm.

Jesus Movement - Unexpected Smallness, Unexpected Triumph, Part 2

Last time, Pastor Ricky started talking about the unassuming power of the Kingdom of God. In the world that we live in, it doesn't appear to have any power because evil seems to be reigning. Pastor Ricky will bring a word of comfort today. There's a coming day when all sickness will end. There will be no more death. Jesus will wipe every tear from our eyes and we will be with Him forever. This is the glorious kingdom that we wait for. 

Jesus Movement - Unexpected Smallness, Unexpected Triumph, Part 1

The world around us seems to be powerful and unrelenting. To those of us here in the US, we've been raised on the idea that the United States is the most powerful country on earth and for the most part, it's probably true. We're certainly the most blessed nation on earth but we aren't the first to experience it. Today Pastor Ricky shares how the Kingdom of God, though seemingly small and insignificant, towers in comparison to any and all countries that have ever existed.

Jesus Movement - One Change to Save the World

Maybe you're not quite sure that there's anything after this life, that you’ll just cease to exist when you die. Well, today Pastor Ricky will help us see a little more clearly just how much death has been changed through the work of Jesus Christ. You’ll learn today that death is not the end and that you are an eternal being. Right now, right where you are listening, you have the capacity to choose where you're going to spend eternity.

Jesus Movement - The Secret of the Soil, Part 2

In the book of Hebrews, the writer describes the Bible as a sharp two-edged sword that divides right to the center of your very being. This spiritually surgical characteristic is unique to the Bible. You can read a certain passage and sense the overwhelming blessing and joy that comes from knowing Jesus. Then you can dive into another section and feel the weight of conviction because of a hidden sin in your life. Pastor Ricky shares with us today that the word of God is rich and full of blessings as we engage it. 

Jesus Movement - The Secret of the Soil, Part 1

We’ve probably all heard someone say, “Ah, well of course I'm a Christian. My grandfather was a pastor” as if familial proximity is what saves us. If you’re joining us and under that mindset, stay with us as Pastor Ricky will be debunking the idea that just knowing about God or even knowing some of His Word is the same as actually knowing God. You’ll learn that a personal connection with God, through Jesus, is the only way to guarantee eternal life.

Jesus Movement - Called In, Sent Out, Part 2

For thousands of years, the Sabbath has been a topic of hot debate. “What even is the Sabbath?” “Do I need to keep the Sabbath?” “I'm not even Jewish.” Actually, there's a lot more to the Sabbath than whether you're Jewish or not. Today Pastor Ricky will help you see that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. What Jesus says is what goes for the Sabbath. The bottom line is that you need the Sabbath. It's not a “have to” it's a “get to” and the more you see the Sabbath as a blessing, the more it actually will be a blessing in your life.

Jesus Movement - Called In, Sent Out, Part 1

Pause for a moment and ask yourself, when was the last time I really had a full day of rest? Like nothing going on, just relaxing, enjoying my family, doing nothing. If you're like most Americans, you probably can't remember a single day like that. We seem to always be on the go. Today Pastor Ricky challenges this practice by introducing the true meaning of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for you, not you for it. That's the first thing that you need to know.

Jesus Movement - True Rest for Restless Hearts, Part 2

Maybe you have the same mindset as most Christians, “Pastors and evangelists are the ones that are called and supposed to go to other countries to tell people about Jesus. It’s not my job.” If that's what you're thinking, then you're in for a surprise today. Pastor Ricky is going to share that all work is holy work. This means that you're a missionary right where you are, right there in your job, your home, and your school. Are you being faithful to share Jesus with those around you?

Jesus Movement - True Rest for Restless Hearts, Part 1

Do you have that fire in your gut to always keep moving? Maybe you can't sit still and work doesn't even feel like work for you. Well, a solid work ethic is something to be thankful for but what about rest? What about Sabbath? Today Pastor Ricky reminds us that a day of rest is only a shadow of the eternal rest that we have in Christ. One day all of your work and effort will fade away as you begin your eternal life with Jesus. But what about now? Are you restful, restless, or fully rested? Remember the Sabbath was made for you, not you for it.

Jesus Movement - When Religion Misses the Point, Part 2

I think I would probably be pretty terrified to hear Jesus say,” I'm going to blow that up.”  But you get Pastor Ricky’s point. Jesus will not ever, never ever ever, coexist with our worldly opinions and ideas. He wants to be the absolute center of our lives. Then all of our thoughts and opinions can flow out of that relationship with Him. Today Pastor Ricky will help you identify places where you might be holding on to your own ideals, rather than the ideals of the kingdom.

Jesus Movement - When Religion Misses the Point, Part 1

Well, I don't know about you but I love a good summer cookout. The warm sunshine surrounding you, an ice-cold drink in your hands, and the smell of meat cooking on the grill, it’s wonderful. It's a feast. The Bible is full of talks like this about good meals and friends around the table and today, Pastor Ricky helps us understand the difference between fasting and feasting. Religious people in Jesus' day really missed the point and Jesus had to help them see more clearly.

Jesus Movement - Jesus, Lies, Zombies and Hope, Part 2

The last time you were with us, Pastor Ricky began unpacking the horrendous life of a leper, what it look like, what it felt like. It was awful and anyone who came into contact with someone who had leprosy steered completely clear. Not Jesus though. Jesus walked right up to those affected with leprosy and provided the healing that they needed. So what about you? How do you respond to those that are in need? Maybe even full of sin? Pastor Ricky will challenge you to be willing, just like Jesus was, and help those in need.