Resources and Prayer for Pride Month

As I mentioned in my message I want to encourage this month to be a month of prayer and study for Christians on LGBTQ issues.

Here are five resources and four ways to pray. 

Resources – from less dense to more dense

  1.  // This website run by and for same-sex attracted Christians seeking to live out an orthodox Christian view of gender and sexuality is so helpful. You’ll find stories, articles, resources, and encouragement. 

  2. Is God Anti-Gay? By Sam Alberry // Sam is a celibate same-sex attracted Christian minister and his compassion and care as he walks through the Scriptures brings significant clarity. It’s a short but important book to read, and re-read. 

  3. Our Statement of Faith and Supporting Scriptures // Along with our family of churches we recently drafted a new statement of faith that we believe rightly and accurately summarizes these issues with Scriptual supports. 

  4. Unchanging Witness by Fortson and Grams // This is a key recommendation from Jon Vogan as he’s navigated LGBTQ issues in conversations with others. It’s a dense but readable and leans more scholarly. 

  5. Strange New World and The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl Trueman // This book comes in two flavors – half caf (Strange New World) and straight espresso (Rise and Triumph). Professor Trueman traces the philosophical trajectory of the last 200 years in the West and where current views on LGBTQ issues came from. 

Prayer  – 

  1. Pray for same-sex attracted Christians in our church. They face significant challenges especially in our current cultural environment. Ask that God strengthen them and help the church support them as their family in Christ. 

  2. Pray for the students of our church. Statistics reveal that those under 20 face significant issues of depression, anxiety, and gender confusion. Ask the Lord to draw them close and establish them in their faith. 

  3. Pray for our church’s compassion and love. Ask that we would be a place of welcome and love and hope for anyone and everyone, including those identifying as LGBTQ. May they experience the love of Christ among us. 

  4. Pray for our church’s orthodoxy and steadfastness. Ask that we would remain anchored to the truth of God’s word and have our worldview and convictions shaped by the Scriptures.