Who Am I? - New Life in Christ, Part 1

Today Pastor Ricky will be warning us not to believe the lie that tells us that we don't need to change our sinful behavior. As well as the lie that we can’t change. Christ died for you so that He could deliver you out of your sin, not just to save you from the punishment of sin. God commands that you live pure, just as He is pure. That you be holy, just as He is holy. He didn't save you so you could stay the way you. He has delivered you out of bondage so you can now choose life.

Who Am I? - Built in Christ, Part 2

The world has a lot of diversity in such as gender, religions, cultures, skin color, ethnicity s, and much more. Yet Christ has torn down that wall of separation when he died on the cross. Anyone can come to Jesus and they will be a part of His body. You are in the body of Christ so you should purpose at all times to live in unity with your brothers and sisters in the Lord. There is sweet fellowship and love that should be taking place among us and if there isn't, then there is a great need for repentance.

Who Am I? - Built in Christ, Part 1

Do you know what your identity is? Many find their identity in their job, marital status, or what defines their personality. However God desires you to find your identity completely in Christ. Being a Christian should be what dominates all aspects of your life and when you genuinely believe your identity is in Christ, it shows by your Godly lifestyle. When you're not firm in your identity in Christ you may begin to believe what the world and the devil say about you.

Who Am I? - You Are, So Be, Part 2

Genuine transformation to a person's character only comes from the Gospel. There are many cults and false teachers out there that would tell you that you can attain salvation by doing works and by being a good person. This is not so. All throughout the Bible, it is very clear that there is no one that's righteous, no, not one and that we need a savior. Our righteous deeds are as filthy rags before God so we must lean on Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. When you truly receive this truth, humility will flood your life.

Who Am I? - You Are, So Be, Part 1

Pastor Ricky will be starting a new chapter in the book of Ephesians today. He will be teaching on rejecting religious rituals that distract you from a relationship with God. The Lord desires obedience and not sacrifice. Many times believers keep a do and don't list so that they can feel better about themselves but Jesus wants our heart . If Jesus has your heart then you will want to obey out of love and you will surrender all to Him. It’s much easier to love God than it is to keep a list of rules.

Who Am I? - I Am Strengthened, Part 2

The same way you would pray for a family member that has fallen ill, that's the way you should be praying for the spiritual condition of those in the body of Christ. The Apostle Paul was burdened for the Church of Ephesus and he labored in prayer for them before the throne of God. Just as Paul lived a selfless life and was more “others-focused”, we are called to live sacrificially and focus on others as well. You should always pray for yourself but don't neglect to lift up the body of Christ.

Who Am I? - I Am Strengthened, Part 1

Pastor Ricky will be teaching on being strengthened through prayer and praying for the strength of others. While Pastor Ricky expounds on this text in Ephesians, he will be giving us a model that the Apostle Paul used to pray. Paul didn’t pray by giving God a list of requests and giving God the agenda he desired for himself. Paul sought God's heart and desired that his mind and life would be conformed to God’s agenda. When you go before God, allow Him to reveal Himself and His will to you.

Who Am I? - The Gathering

Many times believers act as though God is far off in the distance, rather than realizing He pours out His presence in our midst. Just as God promised the Jews that He would dwell among them, Christ has promised us that He will dwell inside of us, make his home in us as His temple. As a believer, your worship should be powerful and intimate. We don’t worship God so He will choose to dwell among us. We worship God because He does dwell among us. Are you delighting in His presence?

Who Am I? - I Am Reconciled, Part 2

If you’ve been reconciled to the Father, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you've now been reconciled to other believers as well. Believers are all a part of the body of Christ. He's broken down the wall of separation between all Christians. Even though we all have differences, those differences should never get between our love for one another. Jesus said by this all will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another. Is there anyone you need to reconcile with today?

Who Am I? - I Am Reconciled, Part 1

Today Pastor Ricky will be explaining that there is a greater significance to the gospel than just being saved from hell. It's a glorious thing that sinners can now be saved from hell however, God didn't just save us from hell, He saved us from our sinful life. You now have the power to say “no” to sin. The Apostle Paul said in the Book of Romans, sin shall have no dominion over you. In this text, Pastor Ricky will be exhorting you to be reconciled to others just as Christ reconciled you to the Father. 

Who Am I? - I Am Saved, Part 2

It's by grace alone that you're saved through faith in Jesus Christ. Pastor Ricky will be explaining how the life of a Christian should reflect grace and forgiveness because they've been forgiven so much. Now that you're saved from God's wrath, now what? You're not just supposed to just live for yourself and anticipate going to heaven. In Ephesians, it says that you’re predestined to good works. This means that God has left you here to be a living sacrifice and to glorify Him.

Who Am I? - I Am Saved, Part 1

If you were asked to write an essay explaining who you are, what would you write? Many would write, “I'm an athlete” or, “I'm a mom or dad” some may write, “I'm a teacher” or explain their job title. Christ wants you to identify yourself as dead to the flesh and alive in Him. You are saved and you are a child of God. Who you are in the eyes of God is so much more fulfilling and meaningful than who you are through the world’s eyes. When you believe you're dead to your old self and alive in Christ you begin to act and look more like Jesus.

Who Am I? - I Am Hopeful, Part 2

Pastor Ricky will be challenging us to evaluate our lives, to see if we place all of our hope in Jesus Christ. Do you believe that Jesus is all-powerful and has the ability to transform your life and raise you from death to life? The Apostle Paul in this text wants you to know that the power of Christ is towards you as a believer. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives inside of you. When you place your hope in Christ what comes along with this hope is peace and comfort to your soul.

Who Am I? - I Am Hopeful, Part 1

Everyone places their hope in something or someone. If your hope is not in Jesus Christ, then your hope could be in another person, wealth, career, or materialism. Hope is only as powerful as the object you're placing your hope in, many people, helping other people and things but those people and things did not rise from the dead. Those who have this hope in Christ keep themselves pure just as He is pure. Your life and actions should prove if you genuinely have hope in Christ.

Who Am I? - I Am a Saint, Part 2

Before Christ, your identity was in Adam, and the bloodline of Adam is deserving of spiritual death because of sin. The Bible says that one man's trespass brought condemnation to all men in Adam. By one man's disobedience, many were made sinners and by one man's obedience, the many will be made righteous. We deserve death but because of Christ, we’re now a new creation. If you're not living a victorious Christian life it may be because you don't believe your identity has changed.

Who Am I? - I Am a Saint, Part 1

As Pastor Ricky begins his new series in the book of Ephesians, he will be teaching on the importance of understanding your true identity. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you're now a saint. When God the Father looks at you, he sees Christ’s identity in you. You may be a teacher, or doctor, mom, or dad but the most important aspect of your identity is being a saint redeemed by Christ. If you worship God then He will shape your identity and mold you more and more into the image of Christ. 

The Book of Acts - The Power and Person of Jesus, Part 2

Pastor Ricky will be giving a warning today that it's not enough to just understand the power of Jesus but that you need to be committed to Jesus. You can't rely on the faith of others. You need to be born again yourself. When your motive for coming to church or saying prayers is just for the benefits of God's power and blessings instead of just wanting to intimately know the Lord, you're in danger. The Lord knows when you're being sincere in your worship to Him or if you just want His blessings.

The Book of Acts - The Power and Person of Jesus, Part 2

Pastor Ricky will be giving a warning today that it's not enough to just understand the power of Jesus but that you need to be committed to Jesus. You can't rely on the faith of others. You need to be born again yourself. When your motive for coming to church or saying prayers is just for the benefits of God's power and blessings instead of just wanting to intimately know the Lord, you're in danger. The Lord knows when you're being sincere in your worship to Him or if you just want His blessings.

The Book of Acts - The Power and Person of Jesus, Part 1

In order to know the person of Jesus, you must truly be committed to Him and receive Him as your Lord and Savior. In order to have the power of Jesus, you need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit so you can be equipped for ministry. Not all believers are called to the full-time ministry in a church building but all believers have a ministry that the Lord has given them to carry out. The only way you can be effective for the kingdom of God is to abide in Christ and be baptized by the Holy Spirit. 

The Book of Acts - God-Grounded Confidence & God-Glorifying Effort, Part 2

Pastor Ricky will be continuing his teaching on the sovereignty of God and man’s free will. Some Christians believe that because God is the one who controls those who get saved, then there is no reason to evangelize. The Bible is clear that even though God sovereignly opens the eyes of those He chooses to save, believers are still to preach the gospel. You can't completely understand all of God's mysteries but God's command to preach the gospel is very straightforward.